Press Release for ViewPoint
Studios to submit to Trade Magazines
Studios Hugs Alice like The Real McCoys
TNN brings in ViewPoint to bring in the audience
Alice and The Real McCoys are back! Jumpin’
and jivin’ on TNN. They’re retro. We’re
2K. But then is now and their comeback sizzles thanks to
the promo pizzazz delivered by ViewPoint Studios of Boston.
This TNN package swings Alice into the summer lineup alongside
The Real McCoys to offer a taste of 50's comedy and wry
70's humor to create a double slice of American life. Alice
in a desert roadside diner, The Real McCoys in middle rural

As these two great shows return to TNN, so
TNN returns to ViewPoint to reinvent their presence for
today’s audience. The finely-honed touch of ViewPoint’s
Designers Michael Frederick and Jane Holland shaped the
package to blend both shows into a single identity while
maintaining their separate and strongly independent position.
Alice’s promo open snaps with brightly colored angles
- motivated by the definitive diner logo. For The Real McCoys
promo open Frederick and Holland chose a classic American
family mailbox as the principal design icon melding it with
black & white character images.
Original show footage was treated as hand-cut
paper in step frame animation. This was then set against
exaggerated Technicolor backgrounds with vignetting and
limited depth of field to create the feel of viewing stereoscopic
slides through an old Viewmaster.
The full package for TNN included bumpers,
transitions and menu line-up pages for the two shows. The
team capitalized on the retro flavor of the package and
designed a drive-in movie theatre icon to evoke the atmosphere
of times past.
Both shows premiered on TNN in June.
Viewpoint Studios, a renowned award-winning
broadcast design, animation and visual effects firm, specializes
in network station identity, brand image and main title
animation, as well as promotional packaging. Among their
broadcast clients ViewPoint counts ESPN, Animal Planet,
The History Channel, Discovery Networks, PBS and Sci-Fi
Channel. The studio’s commercial clients include Playskool,
Eastpak, Bell Atlantic and Fidelity Investments.